Selah El Telmeez
As a product of The Modern Arabian Institution, Selah Eltelmeez has been the go-to book for primary school students, it has been the market leader of the primary education market in Egypt for over 80 years.


The Client Background
The market leader of the primary education market in Egypt for over 80 years for easier curriculum explanation and more studying exercises. By the end of 2019, Selah Eltelmeez launched their mobile app as a free version for all parents, students and teachers. By the end of 2020, Selah Eltelmeez had already achieved 300,000 app installs and decided to move into the subscription module where the parent will need to pay a monthly subscription to be able to access the app’s premium content.
Students I Parents
6 million + primary school students and teachers
Selah El Telmeez Target audience was sophosticated & difficult to define because they are not easily accessible through typical online channels.
The absence of audience segmentation and tagging resulted in weak targeting & therefore overspent budgets
No app tracking or direct link to any of the app stores, only traffic campaigns directly to landing pages Firebase was integrated with the app with no events or audience created within
Tracking app party-third Integrated
We started organizing their creatives per stage and objective.
Strategy mix channels the with alignment in platforms across assets Organized
Broken down the budget by location to increase conversion probability
Organized audience based on campaign activities